Sleep and the City

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When will my baby sleep through the night?

“When will my baby sleep through the night?   When can I night wean? and “ When can I sleep train my baby?” are some of the first questions as a Mom that I found asking myself (and Googling for hours).  Let me help you clear up the rumors and the advice, by diving into your most-asked baby sleep questions!

Let’s take a peek…..

When will my Baby to Sleep Through the Night?

This is the TOP reason why you’re reading this post, am I right?  This answer is dependent on what you consider “sleeping through the night.”  A newborn will need up to 8 weeks to switch their internal clocks from night to day, and feedings will occur every 1-3 hours.  By month two, a healthy full-term baby is capable of 4-6 hour stretches at night, and by month three, some parents will see that stretch to 6-8 hours before baby wakes up.  At month four, that will stretch to 10+ hours for some children, and 11+ hours after the fourth month regression subsides.  If your child hasn't accomplished these stretches yet, they may need some encouragement and help reaching these healthy sleep goals.  To excel your baby’s potential of sleeping through the night, try our Newborn Sleep Class (for babes 0-3 months), or our 5-18M class hereExpectations to sleep through the night: Anywhere from 2.5-5 months.


When can I night wean?

Information that you read online pertaining to this varies WIDELY.  This is completely dependent on your child’s age, weight, growth chart, and how many calories they are consuming during the day.  A 6-month old baby, for example, whom wakes up 3 times a night for a full 10 minute feed each time is NOT capable of dropping all feeds cold-turkey.  Always work with your doctor and review your child’s growth chart before deciding to night wean completely. Once you have the green light from your doctor or lactation consultant to stretch out feedings at night, make sure you’re using the 5-18M class to walk you through exactly how to do this, while even keeping a dream feed, and encouraging longer stretches of sleep at night (for both Mom and baby!)  I’ve seen children as young as 3 months sleep 12 hours without a feed, and children as old as 12 months still receive a dream feed, so take it at your own pace. Of course I always recommend keeping a dream feed for at least 6 months to keep a happy, healthy and fed baby, and most doctors will agree that by 9 months, baby should be able to sleep all night (11+ hours) without a feed.  Expectations: Anywhere from 5-12 months.

jenny lind toddler bed from project nursery

When to Drop the Swaddle?

The quick & easy answer: When baby begins to roll from back to front.  This can happen anywhere between 2-6 months depending on your child’s development, and I recommend slowly reducing the swaddle by one or both arms out for a few nights, followed by an arms-out sleep sack.  By the time baby reaches 3 months of age, the Moro Reflex (that makes them feel as though they are falling) will begin to subside and baby can sleep much more soundly without his or her arms bundled up. See more about swaddling how-to’s and more here on this blog post.  Expectations: Anywhere between 3-6 months.


When to Drop the Evening Catnap?

Parents often tell me that the evening catnap is the most difficult and frustrating part of their day, so it’s no surprise to me that this is a common question I receive in my business.  On average, babies whom are at least 6 months are able to drop down to two naps per day, and some take a little longer, depending mostly on how long they nap and if they are sleeping through the night. You’ll know your baby is ready to drop the 3rd catnap when he or she plays or fusses the entire time, or sleeps less than 30 minutes for 3 days a week, for 3 weeks in a row.  Need a schedule? Get one here for free by taking my quick and fun quiz!  Expectations: Anywhere between 6-9 months.

When can my baby start sleep training?

Around 4 months, when the biggest regression hits, babies typically won’t sleep through the night without some disruption due to developmental leaps. While you can encourage drowsy but awake and independent napping, most parents will find that even after the regression is over, their 5+ month old baby is still struggling to see 10-11 hour stretches of sleep at night (which is possible with a full-term healthy baby over 11 lbs!). Your baby can begin officially sleep training at 22 weeks, or 4.5 months, and I highly recommend starting as early as possible with my Wink-a-Sleep method found inside our 5-18 Month Baby Sleep Academy class here. Expectations: 4.5+ Months

When will my baby drop a nap?

  • Between 3-4 Months: Drop down to 4 naps per day


  • Between 5-6 Months: Drop down to 3 naps per day


  • Between 6-9 Months: Drop down to 2 naps per day


  • Between 15-18 Months: Drop down to 1 nap per day


  • Between 3-4 Years: Drop down to 15 minute cat naps or quiet time only

And Finally……The End of the Sleep Regressions?

(in Year One)

Ahhhh the Sleep Regressions.  You’ll experience a total of THREE sleep regressions before your child’s first birthday, which causes babies the temporary inability to sleep through the night and take short naps.  Sleep regressions at ages 4, 8, & 12 months old are usually a result of a cognitive explosion in baby’s brain (becoming smarter & more aware!) or a gross motor development.  The 4-month regression usually affects all children, while the 8 & 12 month can sneak by sometimes completely unnoticed.  It’s important when passing through these regressions that you are consistent, and try not to over intervene.  Always give baby a chance to resettle themselves first, and stick with your routines.  Expectations: After 2+ years


For more professional Baby & Toddler Sleep Ideas and Help, drop us an email or book an appointment here!

Lauren Olson, Certified Child Sleep Specialist at home with her two children